Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Film Filter:Off - Paranormal Activity

Film Filter: Off - Since its debut in 2007, I had heard many mixed reviews of this film.  Most of them fell into two categories: hated it, or loved it.  Curious as to which group I fell into (and desperate to say I'd at least seen one of the franchise before Paranormal Activity 8 comes out) I felt I ought to peruse it.

Pros: Well, depending on how you like your films, the perspective of the camera was in first person, so that could really be a pro, or a con.  I happened to like it for the style of this film.  Sometimes this technique can get utilized poorly, but if you get the right cast in the film it can be highly successful i.e. Cloverfield, The Last Exorcism.  I'd also like to note that, love or hate the film, it was successfully completed with a cast of five people and under an $11,000 budget.  Now if only the U.S. could operate that efficiently...
   Speaking of cast, I often like it when the character names coincide with the actors' names.  It seems to, in my mind at least, add a little realism and credibility to the film, especially when an attempt at an "inspired by true events" movie is made.  (Paranormal Activity, for the record, does not make this claim...but it was believable enough that I had to look it up in order to know that)  My point is, names being identical to characters or not, Katie and Micah did a nice job being actors portraying "non-actors".  Now, before you jump down my throat about all actors striving to appear as such, I have to clarify that this movie, and other first person perspective films, have a more difficult task in that their actors have to appear ignorant of the camera.  Maybe other actors in other films aren't literally aware of the filming while they're in character, but THESE actors need to remain in character AND pretend like they're unaware of what's going on.  It's sort of like a sane person portraying the role of a crazy person pretending to be sane...or something.
   Say what you will about the lack of action in the film (and believe me, there was pretty much none) but the pacing of the action (or lack thereof) made you literally sit on the edge of your seat anticipating when it would come.  Granted, it really never came, so you'd probably be sitting awhile, but I'd like to think the directors had a different mental approach to this film.  Scary movies usually end up being "visually striking" (as Netflix likes to categorize them) which can sometimes cause films to bastardize the concept of monsters, gory details and frightening moments that could occur.  The beauty of ghost, paranormal, and demonic stories is that oftentimes less is more.  That gripping, edge of your seat, pull the blanket over your eyes, stone-cold terror comes from anticipation of creepy things in the realm of the unknown.  What's NOT visible to us is usually what is most frightening, so I'd like to think that the directors are trying to channel in on that realistic fear that is inside us all.  If so, job well done.  If not...well, I expect better from you in the next two films.  If the former was indeed the goal, they did an excellent job showing the evolution of the demonic presence, and gave us just enough to freak us out, but not so much that it seemed over the top or unrealistic.

Cons: This movie is a toughie to dissect, because it was a little hard for me to decipher the intent of how the movie was to be perceived.  One thing is for certain, though, and that is that this movie is NOT for you if you're looking for a lot of action, a lot of plot driven circumstances, or pop-up scary moments.  There were an ample amount of opportunities for all of the above to occur, but none of them were taken.  I can understand why, if the director wants to maintain integrity for the direction of the film (should my hypothesis be accurate) but there's always a little bit of wiggle room to toss in a couple of those moments that make scary movies, well, scary.
   Since we've established that this film is not based on true events, I feel I can rip on the two leads a little more relentlessly.  What kind of person neglects to mention the fact that they have been haunted by a demon for the past 12 years before moving in with their boyfriend?  Yeah, yeah "B-b-but sweetie!  Wh-what was I s-s-supposed to say?"  Ummmm, how about anything?  That's like waiting until after you sleep with someone to tell them you have an STD.  So not cool.  Yeah, maybe he will leave you, but do you blame him?  Then she gets really upset with him when he doesn't take it "seriously".  Well, you sort of unwillingly dragged him into the scenario, didn't you?  So how on Earth can you expect an unwilling participant in an extraordinarily freaky situation to be completely calm and serious about it?  It seems like she's waaaaay too high maintenance a broad, above and beyond the whole demon stalker scenario.
   Lastly, the time stamp on the camera was inconsistent.  It was only on some of the time and, if you watch carefully, they accomplish tasks in much too short a period of time.  Like, he phases from one side of the room to the other in two seconds, or goes from PJs to completely clothed in a minute flat without seeing him change.  Not the end of the world by any means, but if you're going to do it, do it right people.

Wrap up- So what category am I in: love it or hate it?  Neither.  It's pretty much a middle of the road, mediocrely made low-budget scary movie.

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