Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Film FIlter: Off - The Ward

Film Filter: Off-  I have to say that this movie was a very pleasant surprise.  I didn't have exceptionally high hopes for it, but it's definitely worth watching.

Pros- First off, I'd like to commend director John Carpenter on his choice to star Amber Heard.  She is ridiculously beautiful, but it turns out she's a decent actress as well.  Kudos!  I think the biggest thing that makes this movie successful is the pacing of the film.  It starts out as generic horror films do, but it leaks the facts to you in a slow, intriguing fashion that hooks you in with its lack of information, but keeps you riveted by the information that IS present.  This movie also contains a twist ending, so it really does keep you wondering until the very end.
  I also think the acting on all the women's behalves was commendable.  I always state how great an actor it takes to believably portray a crazy person, and this film proves it.  The cast had to not only play young women in a mental hospital, but also show the varying sides of mental illness, as each character was very different.
  Lastly, every good horror flick needs shock value.  Pop-up moments, when used well and in moderation, are a must in scary movies.  This film uses them well, despite their often predictability.

Cons-  I have to reach to find some cons in this movie.  I wasn't a huge fan of the makeup of the ghost.  It felt a little over-the-top and cliche to me, as did some of the death scenes.  Other than that, I really have no complaints.

Wrap up-  This movie is a must-see if you liked Shutter Island.  It's essentially the same storyline in many ways, other than it stars attractive females instead.  I won't say that it's better, but definitely worth watching.

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