Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Film Filter: Off - World War Z

Film Filter: Off-  This movie received rave reviews, and I couldn't stop hearing about it.  I was obviously really pumped to go and see it, as did many, since the theater was sold out.

Pros- Having Brad Pitt as the leading man never really hurt a film, in my opinion.  It's always important to have a strong actor when you're trying to put together a movie where there is limited interaction between the lead actor and other human beings.  Much like Castaway and I Am Legend, the actors need to rely on themselves and their abilities to make the film work, as they have few counterparts, and I think Brad Pitt does a pretty good job of keeping the film together.
   I really liked that there weren't a lot of other A list actors involved, especially in regards to his wife.  I thought Mireille Enos did a great job as his wife, and I don't think a stereotypical supermodel A list actress could have done it as well.  Who knows, but I liked her in the role.
   I thought the pacing and evolution of Brad Pitt's character's ability to figure out what was going on was well executed.  There was enough information to keep you interested, but enough information missing to keep you invested in the plot of the film.
   The zombies were interesting, as they moved quickly, and not at a stereotypically crawling pace.  It definitely added a new dimension to the idea of zombie attacks, similar to that of  28 Days Later.
   The special effects were good, and certainly added to the movie.  It's hard to do a zombie movie of this magnitude without using special effects, and I feel they utilized them wisely.  Also, on an unrelated note, there was a surprise death at the beginning that I found highly unexpected and effective to the plot.

Cons- Ok, there were a few discrepancies here and there that I feel were deliberately overlooked for cinematic appeal.  One of particular note was the dramatic "inject-yourself-with-a-random-disease" scene.  He could have easily written a sign saying "ring the phone when I have the right one" and held the vials up to the camera.  Problem solved.
   Despite the fact that the zombies were different from their depiction in the majority of films, I'm not sure I, or the rest of the audience, really responded appropriately to the zombies when we got to interact with them one on one.  The whole teeth clicking and head pounding were highly amusing and the audience laughed several times.  I'm not sure if that was the intention of the scenes, but I feel like it wasn't.  Perhaps I'm wrong.
   Lastly, and most annoyingly so, this movie is about an 86% rip off of I Am Legend.  Now, before you jump down my throat by saying, "Well Corri, World War Z was a 2006 novel that came out before the movie AND before I Am Legend which wasn't released until 2007."  Yes, this is true, but I Am Legend was ALSO a book, and was written in 1954, so, boo yah.  I know a lot of people hate on I Am Legend and Will Smith, and say World War Z was a much better film, but there's something to be said about the emotional attachment garnered in I Am Legend that just isn't there in World War Z.  Hell, I watched it a few weeks back and I barely remember enough of it to be able to blog about it, not because it was a bad movie, but because it was forgettable.  I Am Legend at least had emotional connections that were deepened because of a great loss, as opposed to a happy go lucky we all live to see each other ending found in World War Z.  Maybe I am just biased, but since Will Smith's movie came out first, and I am partial to it I have to give this round to I Am Legend, and call World War Z out for what it is: a copycat.

1 comment:

  1. 95% percent of my emotion in I Am Legend came from the fact that they killed the dog. That just made me angry. :) Excellent entry!
