Friday, July 13, 2012

Film Filter: Off - Primal Fear

Film Filter: Off- I remember stumbling across this film when I was about 14 or 15 years old while my mom was watching it.  I caught it about half way through, and it has since been one of my all time favorite movies, along with being the film that brought Edward Norton's acting prowess to my attention.

Pros- The cast in this film did a spectacular job delivering the roles they were given, particularly Norton.  I'm a firm believer that, being his first big film, this is the movie that jump-started his career.  Others may argue that it was Fight Club, but I counter that he never would have gotten that role if he had not first played Aaron Stampler in this film.
   The story is interesting, interwoven, and impeccably played out.  Although the movie can't take credit for that, since it was a book first, I would argue that this movie does the book justice.  After I read it, I'll let you know.
   By far and away the best part of this film is the way it ends.  I can't say anything more or I'll spoil it, but it's what makes this film my favorite.

Cons- Keeping in mind that this movie is from the mid nineties, the following are more or less idiosyncrasies of the era rather than actual complaints.
    The chase scene music is like the Seinfeld theme song meets a faulty electronic drum machine.  Ick.
   Some of the dialogue is a little cheesy, it probably worked within the confines of the book, but the movie didn't allow it to transition smoothly.

Wrap up- Overall, this movie needs to be seen if you haven't already done so.  I mean, even the idiots on Netflix rated it 5 stars.  If you like crime thrillers, and if you like Edward Norton, this is a must-see.

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