Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Film Filter: Off- The Secret

Film Filter: Off- For starters, this movie isn't really the typical genre I would review.  It came up as a supernatural thriller and as an indie thriller, but be warned that it is neither frightening, nor terribly suspenseful.

Pros- This movie was not at all what I thought it would be like, which is a good thing.  When the story line depicts a man's wife inhabiting the body of his daughter, I immediately thought of the awkward sexual tension that would result.  Don't get me wrong, that happened at times, but in a tactful way and was not the focus of the film.
   I thought that the relationships between the characters in this film appeared genuine and realistic.  The dynamic between the husband and wife was both loving and sincere, which set a good tone for the story and gave the audience pieces of information to use later in the plot.  I also thought the daughter's role of the angst-ridden teenager was perfectly played, and elaborated upon as well.  Even though on the surface she's making poor decisions, the director does a good job of letting us figure out why those choices are made, and that she's actually not who she seems to be in a superficial sense.  The acting ability of the young actress to play an adult woman trapped in a teenage girl's body was very believable, and I thought she did a phenomenal job playing both roles.
   It was also interesting to see the interactions between the three main characters, and to see how all three of them are trapped in some fashion- one physically, one mentally, and one emotionally.

Cons- Other than not being scary, which is not an exclusively negative attribute, this film didn't have many cons.  Due to its unique nature, it was highly unpredictable.  This forced me to constantly be vigilant as to what was going on, so I wouldn't miss a critical moment.  Each experience that Hannah went through as her daughter lent itself to a new lesson to learn about her life, so the plot didn't drag at all.

Wrap up- If you're into indie/supernatural thrillers that aren't edge of your seat scary, this would be a good movie for you.  It was interesting, with good acting on all the leads' parts.

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