Thursday, May 26, 2011

Film Filter: Off - The Final Destination

Film Filter: Off- I'm sure you can adequately guess that this film follows the same plot sequence as its three predecessors.  I'm not quite sure why this one was even made in the first place, as no real new information is introduced that is of any importance.  Oh wait, it's coming back to was in 3-D.

Pros:  Not a whole lot.  I didn't view it in 3-D, but that's about the only thing that would have saved this film.  In all honesty, they did some things right that I have to give them credit for.  Before anyone was killed off in the film, they laid out so many possibilities for death that it was tough to decipher which cause would be the actual one.  It was also interesting that they showed most death scenes in an x-ray shot fashion.  It spiced things up a bit, however not quite enough to redeem the movie into any type of positive category.

Cons:  It was a 3-D movie folks, so it's no surprise that a lot of the death scenes accentuate the gimmicky quality of the 3-D industry.  No shame there but like I said, it's about the only thing the movie has going for it.  Also, there are waaaaay too many similar looking brunettes in this film!  I'm not a hair color segregist (is that a real word?) but could they have inserted some more diversely hair-colored folk?  Nothing against brunettes, but when they're all introduced at once with not very much background knowledge presented, my feeble brain starts to mix them all up.  One of the other negative things about this film, and all of these films really, is the lack of common sense in the group of main characters.  So this young man realizes he can see a death before it's about to happen, and instead of saying "Dude, let's get the #$!% out of here and I'll explain later!" he calmly points out who's going to die and in what order.  Brilliant.  Just the type of guy I'd like to keep around.

Wrap up- This is a good date movie if you go to see it in 3-D.  Then, on the way home, you can chat each other up about how much it sucked.  That way, no matter how bad the date is, you'll at least have one thing in common- disliking this film.  I guess I'm being really harsh, but if you're going to make a movie in 3-D, at least make it so that those of us who can't view it in that manner aren't jeopardized from getting any entertainment value out of it.  Also, I hate to break it to you but apparently this is NOT the final destination after all.  Guess we should have thought that one through a little better before we titled it, eh?  We must all wait on the edge of our seats until the highly anticipated Final Destination 5 hits theaters.  It looks more promising than this one, at least.

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