Sunday, March 16, 2014

Film Filter: Off - The Awakening

Film Filter: Off- This movie had been put on my Netflix queue the instant I read its description, but I just now got around to watching it.  What's not to like about a historical ghost hunter flick?  Especially after watching The Conjuring.

Pros- This movie had some mad cinematography skills going on. From the dark and dismal filter for the first 95% of the film, to the symbolically bright scene during the last 5%, I thought the movie was noticeably enhanced by the camerawork.
   This film does what not a lot of other ghost story films do successfully, which was to tell a believable, interesting ghost story in conjunction with the scares.  Good scary movies have a mix of both elements, and this one worked both in very seamlessly.
   In addition to the aforementioned, the acting in this film was, in my opinion, superb.  The characterization, development of characters, and interactions were all very well thought out and portrayed by the actors themselves.  It was really great to see the lead actress, Hart, come on very strong at the beginning with her flippant, condescending attitude and to watch the evolution of her character throughout the entire film.
   While there weren't horrifically scary moments in this film, it had its share of times when there was a mixture between a pop-out moment and a psychological horror as well.  It's the combination of these two tactics that really gets me intrigued in a film, and again, this film delivers.
   Lastly, the ending.  Wow.  I don't want to ruin it, but if you watch this film, do some digging and/or re-watch the ending for yourself.  There are LOTS of interesting tidbits to find in a very short amount of time.

Cons- I really didn't find any inconsistencies or loopholes in this plot.  If I had to be nit picky enough to pick something, I guess it would be the appearance of a definitive ending.  While, artistically speaking, I love the ambiguity of the ending, I can't reconcile with my analytical self that there is no "one" or "correct" way to interpret the ending.  I really liked the ending, but its lack of conclusiveness frustrates me, albeit very slightly.

Wrap up- This is a great film to watch if you are into a psychological ghost film with a great story.  I highly recommend!